
January 25, 2017

* FACTS 60

Hi Friends!

1. An anteater is nearly 6 feet long, yet its mouth is only an inch wide.

2. Apple and pear seeds contain arsenic which may be deadly to dogs.

3. Cow have four stomach.

4. A herd of sixty cows is capable of producing a ton of milk in less than a day.

5. A grasshopper can leap 20 times the length of its own body.

6. At birth, baby kangaroos are only about an inch long- no bigger than a large water bug or a queen bee.

7. The smell of a skunk can be detected by a human a mile away.

8. There is a butterfly in Africa with enough poison in its body to kill six cats!

9. A black panther is really a black leopard.

10. A dumbest dog in the world is the Afghan hounds.

11. Tigers have striped skin as well as their fur.

12. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

13. Hippos can run faster than humans!

14. The Latin name for moose is alces alces.

15. The earliest European images of dogs are found in cave paintings dating back 12,000 years ago in Spain.

16. Iguanas, Koalas and Komodo dragons all have two penises.

17. A woodpecker can peck 20 times per second.

18. A moth has no stomach.

19. George Washington's teeth were made of elephant ivory, and walrus tusks.

20. Reindeer milk has more fat than Cow milk.

21. An Elephant can smell water up to 3 miles away.

22. Deer can't eat hay.

23. The very first bomb that the Allies dropped on Berlin in World War II hit an elephant.

24. Every day of the year, 100 whales are killed by whale fisherman.

25. The Ostrich has two toes on each foot which gives it greater speed.
