
January 25, 2017

* FACTS 54

Hi Friends!

1. If you're too embarrassed to buy something, get a birthday card with it.

2. Stop Worrying! It won't stop bad things from happening. It only stops you from enjoying the good.

3. Your dance moves might not be the best, but making a fool of yourself will always be more fun than sitting on the bench alone.

4.  If an older guy is flirting with you and you want him to stop, smile at him and call him "sir." He'll stop immediately.

5. You have to be odd to be number ONE.

6. Always tell someone how you feel because opportunities are lost in blink of an eye, but regret can last a lifetime.

7. When buying a romantic card, get two. Write the inscription from card A into card B and pretend you can write sweet things.

8. Appreciate what you have right now, because you don't always get a second chance.

9. Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude  when you have everything.

10. Respect the people who find time in their schedule to see you, and love the people who never look at their schedule when you need them.

11. Try to spend more money on experience and less on things.

12. When watching Netflix, if the quality is poor, press control alt (option) shifts. Change the bugger rate to 3000 for HD video.

13. At the end of an interview, the interviewer will always ask if you have any questions. Ask them what he/she like about working there.

14. If you want good running form, try running as quietly as possible. You'll be able to run faster and longer.

15. When you finally get something good enjoy it. Don't go looking for something better.

16. When Microsoft Word tells you to "Revise a fragment," it means add a semicolon.

17. If you find a hair in your food, heavily salt it before sending it back to the kitchen to make sure you got a new order.

18. The best way to get someone confess to something? Remain silent. They'll talk simply due to being uncomfortable.

19. Listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you. This is how they will speak about you to other people.

20. Everything is going to be OK in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

21. One of the most valuable things you can learn to do is say "No" without explaining yourself.

22. Work for a cause, not for applause. Live your life to express, not to impress.

23. You can kill the Ebola virus before it enters your system by simply washing your hands with soap and water.

24. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you've already come.

25. If you need to cite quotes from a book, type them into google books. It will tell you the page number automatically.
