
January 03, 2017


Hi Friends!

1. Telling the truth when tempted to lie can significantly improve your health.

2. Some people have a "Natural alarm clock" allowing them to awake when they want. This is actually caused by natural stress hormone.

3. Scientists once put mice in a maze and exposed them to load heavy metal music. They didn't finish the maze, they killed each other.

4. If you drank 42 cups, of coffee in one sitting, the caffeine overdose would kill you.

5. Martin Luther King died when he was 39 years old. An autopsy found that he actually had the heart of a 60 year old from stress.

6. Your thumb is the same length as your nose.

7. Just now You measured of it.

8. Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of an unlived life.

9. When a girl says, "It's not you it's me." studies have found it's probably you.

10. The only 15-letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable."

11. On April 18, 1930, the BBC reported that there was no news to be reported,, so instead they played piano music.

12. The male equivalent to feminism is masculism, which fights for issues of concern to males such as child custody, alimony, and equal pay.

13. You have a higher chance of being bitten by another person than  being bitten by a shark.

14. For the movie "The Machinist" Christian Bale lost 63 pounds by eating apples, drinking coffee, and smoking every day.

15. You lose 7% to 10% of your body heat though your head. so stay calm.
