
January 03, 2017


Hi Friends!

Facts are something which have happened in past or is true in real world which is hard to believe.

We all feel nice when we hear facts, wanting to encounter one (by our self) or sometimes not.
So Here are some of the facts which are hard to believe but are true.

1. In 2010, an Australian mother brought her premature son back to life with hugging and cuddling him for 2 hours after doctors declared him dead.

2. Daniel Radcliffe was in the bath when he found out he'd been cast as Harry Potter, He cried.

3.While missing someone, your emotions are more likely to go from happiness to sadness instantly.

4. Leonardo DaVinci used to buy caged animals at the market just to set them free.

5. At the end of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, the credits say, "No dragons were harmed in the making of this movie."

6. Sometimes, the only reason why you won't let go of what's making you sad is because it was the only thing that made you happy.

7. The World's oldest dog died at age 29.

8.Listening to music at high volumes makes a person calmer, happier and more relaxed.

9. When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.

10. In 2010, McDonald's mistakenly packed and distributed 5,000 Happy Meals with a condom instead of a toy.

11. Venus is the only Planet that rotates clockwise.

12. The Japanese passenger who survived the Titanic crash was marked as a coward by his country for not dying with the other passengers.

13. Only 8% of the world's money exists as physical cash. The rest exists only in electronic accounts worldwide.

14. Things that keeps you up at night : loneliness, cold, heat, hunger, late night texting, memories, over thinking, worries, the internet.

15.  Ironically, hearing someone call out your name when no one has actually called your name is a sign of  a healthy mind.

I will be updating more fun and interesting facts, so stay tunes and enjoy every bit of your life because you have kicked every sperm and came first, so don't ever think you are a looser or something bad.
