
January 13, 2017

* FACTS 35

Hi Friends!

1. The Snow Wolf- A long handled shovel attached to a big wheel lowers the user's risk of lower back strain by 85% compared to regular shovels.

2. According to a study, women lost weight just from watching their virtual reality avatars practicing healthy lifestyles.

3.On January 7, 2017 President Obama was a groomsman at the wedding of his personal aide, Marvin Nicholson- John Kerry officiated.

4.  New research shows that people who tell bad jokes at work are perceived as incompetent, while good joke-teller are perceived as confident.

5. According to a 2013 study, people are more likely to exercise when they're in a neutral mood, rather than when they're overly happy or sad.

6. J.K Rowling was the first billionaire to fall off of the forbes billionaire list because she donated so much to charity. Rowling says "You have a moral responsibility when you've been give far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently."

7. Between 2009 and 2014, the popularity of marathoning is Asia increased by 92.4%.

8. A Harvard Study found that housekeepers who thought of their jobs as exercise had lower weight and blood pressure than their peers.

9. Pallas's car, a wildcat found in Central Asia, has the scientific name Otocolobus manul. In Greek, Otocolobus means "Ugly-eared."

10. Dogs watch more television now than they used to. Thanks to HDTVs. Older TVs were to blurry for dogs to see, but modern screens allow them to view images almost as clearly as humans can.

11. Metallica is the first and only band to play on all seven continents.

12. A new paper suggests that early Earth collided with many objects, forming many small moons that eventually combined to make one big moon.

13. In Japan, citizens can donate a portion of their taxes to rural areas, so each area offers local goods in exchange for donations.

14. Dogs will sometimes fake being sick just get attention.

15. It takes 9 hours, 36 minutes, and 10 seconds to reach the 1,048,576th row of an Excel spreadsheet by perpetually pressing the down arrow.

16. When Zach Galifianakis was a struggling actor,, he became friends with an elderly woman who worked and lived at his local laundromat. Once he became successful, he got her an apartment, paid her rent/utilities, and took her to movie premieres.

17. Your real accent comes out when you're drunk- The more alcohol you consume, the harder it becomes for the brain to control the way you pronounce words.

18. After Donald Trump's  "Golden Shower" news went public, searches for term on Pornhub went up by 102%.

19. "Mean World Syndrome" is a phenomenon where people who watch a lot of television believe the world is more dangerous than it really is due to the amount of violence they see.

20. Jeanna Calment it the world's longest living person. Born in France in 1875, she saw the construction of the Eiffel Tower, sold colored pencils to Vincent Van Gogh and at 13, began fencing at 85, rode a bicycle at 100, appeared in a film at 114 was the subject of a documentary at 120 and died at the age of 122. She ate more than two pounds of chocolate a week, drank a lot of Port wine and smoked for 96 years.
