
January 05, 2017

* FACTS 12

Hi Friends!

1. There are about 1 million ants for every person in the world.

2. Flamingos turn pick from eating shrimp.

3. Wrapping rubber bands around the ends of hangers can prevent clothes form slipping off.

4. Your skull is made up of 29 different bones.

5. An Octopus has three hearts.

6. Fish have eyelids.

7. Gold has been discovered on every continent on earth.

8. Gelatin is derived from collagen, a protein collected from animal skin.

9. The giant Panda is actually a bear.

10. A Jellyfish is approximately 95% water.

11. Place a slice of bread in the storage container to keep cookies soft when storing.

12. Paper currency isn't made of paper; it's actually blend of cotton and linen.

13. A tiger's night vision is six times better than a human's.

14.  Your big toe only has 2 bones and rest have 3.

15. The word " Crisp" starts at the back your mouth and ends at the front.

16. Every second, lightning strikes the ground 100 times.

17. Every second, the sun is shooting one millions tons of matter into space.

18. Every second, 16 million tons of water evaporates from the Earth's surface.

19. Every second, a bee can flap its wings 11,000 times.

20. Your age is the number of times you're orbited around the sun.
