
January 08, 2017

* FACTS 13

Hi Friends!

1. It takes 53 gallons of water to produce a single egg.

2. Sharks return to their own birthplace to give birth.

3. Male and female brains are wired differently.

4. Mushrooms create their own breeze.

5. The largest living organism is a giant honey mushroom.

6.  Truffles are the most expensive food in the world.

7. Brain treats rejection like physical pain.

8. Another word for growling tummy sounds in " Borborygmi."

9. Cows have distinct accents in their mooing, depending on where they are from.

10. Leonardo Da Vinci was the first to explain why the sky is blue.

11. Bananas are one of the few fruit that keep ripening after they're picked, which is why they're harvested green.

12.  Ear Wax from whales keep record of ocean contaminants.

13.  Humans can outrun nearly every other animal on plant over long distances.

14. The human brain takes in 11 million individuals pieces of information per second but is only cognizant of roughly 40.

15. A handshake transfers more germs than a kiss.

16. Seahorses don't have stomachs. Their intestines, which break down and absorb the nutrients from their food, serve its functions for them.

17. Besides humans, elephants are the only animals that can be taught to stand on their head.

18. Life jackets used to be filled with sunflower seeds for flotation.

19. India has more population than the entire western hemisphere on Earth.

20. The Number of "followers" you have does not make you better than anyone else. Hitler had millions, and Jesus had 12.
