
January 25, 2017

* FACTS 59

Hi Friends!

1. Gorillas can catch human colds and other illnesses.

2. A newborn Chinese water deer is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand.

3. Ostriches can run faster than horses, and the males can roar like lions.

4. A lion in the wild usually makes no more than twenty kills a year.

5. The female lion does ninety percent of the hunting.

6. The only dog that doesn't have a pick tongue is the chow.

7. Almost half the pigs in the world are kept by farmers in China.

8. On average, dogs have better eyesight than humans, although not as colorful.

9. Deer have no gall bladders.

10. The bat is the only mammal than can fly.

11. The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.

12. Some male songbirds sing more than 2000 times each day.

13. A tarantula spider can survive for more than two years without food.

14. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will become pale!

15. Cow can sleep standing up, but they can only dream lying down.

16. The Sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet.

17. The average fox weighs 14 pounds.

18. The scientific name of the red fox is Vulpes vulpes.

19. The Turkey is one of the most famous birds in North American.

20. During World War II, Americans tried to train bats to drop bombs.

21. It is much easier for dogs to learn spoken commands if they are given in conjunction with hand signals or gestures.

22. Male Rabbits are called "bucks," females are "does."

23. The Flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down.

24. Ants never sleep. Also they don't have lungs.

25. A group of owls is called a parliament.
