
January 03, 2017


Hi Friends!

Here is another installment of some interesting facts which are hard to believe.

Check it out!

1. A new study finds delay in texting responses may indicate the other person is lying.

2. If you are always worried about what others think of you, you will never be happy.

3. Your body is as old as the universe because matter is never created or destroyed.

4. 92% people type things into "Google" to see if they spelled them correctly.

5. No lemon, no melon. Backwards is "No lemon, no melon."

6. You get a song stuck in your head because your brain interprets the song as an unfinished task, especially if you only remember one part.

7. When a dog sees it's owner its brain secretes the same substances as ours when we are in love.

8. Mathematicians have shown that calculus can be taught to kids as young as five years old.

9. A Japanese woman was having laser surgery on her  cervix when she farted, igniting the laser and setting herself on fire.

10. Dogs have faithfully lived with humans for over 14,000 years.

11. When a woman no longer gets frustrated and upset with you, you can almost guarantee that she doesn't care anymore.

12. The World's oceans contain nearly 20 million tons of gold.

13. The Incredible Hulk's green skin color was originally a result of printing error (he was originally grey) that Stan Lee liked.

14. Pineapples are not a single fruit, but a group of berries that have fused together.

15. The past is over, learn from it. The future is coming, prepare for it. The present is here, Enjoy it.

More to come