
January 04, 2017

* FACTS 10

Hi Friends!

1. You recall memories better with your eyes closed.

2. People with blue eyes have a higher alcohol tolerance.

3. Men are more likely to say "I Love You" first than women are.

4. Newborn babies cannot cry tears for at least three weeks.

5. Hippopotamus milk is pink.

6. There is no substitute for human blood.

7. Your heart rate slows when your face touches water; it's called mammalian dive reflex.

8. There's actually a blind spot in your vision, but your brain fills it in.

7. Your heart rate slows when your face touches water; it's called mammalian dive reflex.

10. Coffee is most effective if consumed between 9:30 am and 11:30 am.

11. Heavier, not bigger lemons produce more juice.

12. Sound waves can make objects levitate.

13. Nepal is the only country that doesn't have a rectangular flag.

14. Water melons may improve athletic performance and curb the effects of muscles soreness.

15. Human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors.
