
January 10, 2017

* FACTS 20

Hi friends!

1. Happiness is increased when tangible goals like "making someone smile" are made.

2. Nightmares are mostly caused by sleeping in an extremely cold room temperature.

3. Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain new information easily and is directly linked to high test scores.

4. Beauty sleep is real- scientists found that faces of well-rested people look younger and are more attractive that sleep-deprived people.

5. Only 6% of doctors today are happy with their jobs.

6. It's much easier to give advice than to take it.

7. One of the biggest goals of adulthood is to make enough money to be as carefree as you were when you were a child.

8. A person who hides their pain behind a smile is called an accedentesiast.

9. There are libraries around the world where you can check out humans are living books and listen to their stories.

10. The best feeling in the world is knowing that you actually mean something to someone. This can literally add years to your life.

11. Not having enough sleep per day leads to desire for sex, depression and alcoholism.

12. Hearing your name being called, when no one had actually called your name, is likely sign of a healthy mind.

13. You may gain 20% more muscle strength by working out in the afternoon instead of the morning, according to a study.

14. Yawning doesn't always necessarily means you're tired, it also means your body need more oxygen.

15. People at the same level of attractiveness are more likely to end up together.
