
January 10, 2017

* FACTS 21

Hi Friends!

1. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was shocked when Queen Elizabeth II  drove him around her estate, since women can't drive in his country.

2. Negaholics are people who become addicted to self-doubt and negativity. They find the bad in most things and are hardly ever satisfied.

3. Sometimes you have to forget how you feel, and remember what you deserve.

4. According to a brain-imaging study, the more jealous you are of a person, the less you care about their suffering.

5. Spiders can walk on water, and breathe under it too.

6. Human muscles are limited by our brain- we actually have the strength to move cars and boulders.

7. Sarcasm was created to confuse the stupid.

8. A UK survey found that couples who sleep naked together are more likely to be happy with their relationship than couples who sleep clothed.

9. Memory improves when you imagine yourself doing something.

10. Six-pack abs indicate nothing about your strength, your flexibility, your stamina, your speed, or your overall level of health.

11. When someone smells good, it automatically makes them more attractive.

12. The fastest way to change someone's negative misperceptions about you is to work with them on a team.

13. Psychology says, attempting to convince yourself that you don't care about someone is a clear indicator that you really do.

14. Your taste in music represents what you mood would sound like if you could hear it.

15. When you see a cat, slowly blink at it. If it blinks back, the cat is content with you.

16. Angelina Jolie was awarded Cambodian citizenship after turning one of the  country's overly-poached areas into a nature reserve.

17. Charlie Chaplin made his movie mocking Hitler with his own money because Hollywood was afraid of losing money if they took a stand.

18. A new study suggests teenagers without Internet access at home are educationally disadvantaged.

19. Osama Bin Laden was obsessed with Whitney Houston and wanted to make her one of his wives.

20. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was mentioned more in the Quran than in the Bible. She is also the only women mentioned by name in the Quran.
