
January 12, 2017

* FACTS 33

Hi Friends!

1. More candy is sold on October 28th than any other day of the year, thanks to Halloween.

2. If you Google "I want to commit suicide", Google provides the Suicide helpline number of your country above all the search results.

3. If you Google search "askew", the content will tilt slightly to the right.

4. In 2009, Facebook rejected Co-founder of Whatsapp Brain Acton's application for a job. Whatsapp was later created and sold to Facebook for $19 billion.

 5. The man who invented pop-up ads has apologized to the world for creating one of the Internet's most hated forms of advertising.

6. Google offers employees free condoms that come in blue, red, green, and yellow and have the phrase 'I'm Feeling Lucky!' printed on them.

7. In 1999, the founder of Google actually tried to sell it to Excite for US $1 million. Excite turned them down!

8.  The child from the "Success kid" meme made enough money through his internet popularity to fund his dad's kidney transplant.

9. According to a study, Twitter and Facebook are harder to resist than Tobacco and alcohol.

10. The Famous Windows start up sound was composed using a Mac.

11. Google was originally called "Backrub."

12. You can change your language on Facebook to "Pirate."

13. The first webcam was created in Cambridge University to check on the coffee levels of a coffee pot.

14. There is a video game called 'Lose/Lose' with real life consequences. It deletes a random file on your computer every time you kill an enemy.

15. Microsoft once sued a student named Mike Rowe for creating the domain ""

16. 'Friendstalker' was one of the early names considered for Twitter.

17. A third of all divorce filing of 2011 in the U.S. contained the word 'Facebook'.

18. The 'I'm feeling lucky' button costs Google an average of $110 million every year.

19. If you go to Google and enter 'do a barrel roll', the entire page will rotate completely.

20.  The Firefox emblem isn't actually a fix, but a red panda.
