
December 01, 2016


Hi Friends!
                In this busy world, people do not bother about one's talk in the sense that they do not get any interesting thing to hear about. But here comes the play of riddles, yes Riddles.
What is it?

If you want to increase a conversation or to taunt someone or embarrass because they have once did it with you then Riddles are most effective here. But riddles are not only to embarrass someone you don't like but its a way to get more effective in real life and knowing things clear if it is a bit twisted. 
A way of learning in a more interesting way. Here, I am not talking about the study we did in school , or in college but questions twisted which have simple answers always.

           It is a statement or question or phrase having double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved.

There are infinite riddle question in this world but the riddle which i am about to write is from The Lord of the Rings series (The Hobbit-An Unexpected Journey).

While seeing the movie we come to a scene where GOLLUM and BILBO (The Hobbit) had a deal.  They  have to play a game in which if Bilbo wins, Gollum will show hobbit the path to the exit of the mountains and if Gollum wins then he will eat Bilbo, whole.

These Riddles are one of my favorite:-
So let jump to the riddles part mentioned below.

Riddles (From The Lord of the Rings Series -The Hobbit)

1. Gollum to Bilbo 
     What has roots as nobody sees, 
     Is taller than trees Up, up it goes.
     And yet never grows?

    Bilbo's answer- Mountain

2. Bilbo to Gollum
     Thirty white horses on a red hill, 
     First they champ,
     Then they stamp,
     Then they stand still.
    Gollum's answer- Teeth

3. Gollum to Bilbo
    Voiceless it cries,
    Wingless flutters,
    Toothless bites,
    Mouth less mutters

   Hobbit's answer- Wind

4. Bilbo to Gollum
    An eye in a blue face 
    Saw an eye in a green face.
    That eye is like to like eye
    Said the first eye,
    But in low place
    Not in high place.

    Gollum's answer- Sun shining on daisies

5. Gollum to Bilbo
    It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, 
    Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
    it lies behind stars and under hills,
    And empty holes it fills.
    It comes first and follow after, 
    Ends life, kills laughter

    Bilbo's answer- Dark

6. Bilbo to Gollum
   A box without hinges, key or lid,
   Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
   Gollum's answer- Egg

7. Gollum to Bilbo

   Alive without breath
   As cold as death,
   Never thirsty, ever drinking
   All in mail never clinking.

   Bilbo's answer- Fish

8. Bilbo to Gollum
   No legs lay on one-leg, two legs sat near on three legs, four legs got some.

   Gollum's answer- Fish on a little one-legged table, man at table sitting on a three legged stool, the cat gets the bone.

9. Gollum to Bilbo

   This thing all things devours.
   Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
   Gnaws iron, bites steel;
   Slays king, ruins town, 
   And beats high mountain down.

   Bilbo's answer- Time

10. Bilbo to Gollum
     What have I got in my pocket?
      Answer - The Ring

* Friends, Riddles are not to be learnt. Question twisted to make you think in a different way.
                I am not suggesting to learn or go through riddles but at least  know  riddles to enjoy  elongate conversation with friends and taunt others if you need to.
