
February 22, 2017


Hi Friends!

1. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

The Lean Startup PDF - The Lean Startup.pdf

2. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
The magic of thinking big PDF - The magic of thinking big.pdf

3. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
The 48 laws of power PDF - The 48 Laws of Power.pdf

4. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
The science of getting rich PDF - The science of getting rich.pdf


February 19, 2017

* FACTS 86

Hi Friends!

1. Pluto has a heart-shaped seas on it's surface that's filled with poisonous ice.

2. Due to extreme pressure and temperature, it really rains diamonds on Uranus and Neptune.

3. If you consistently farts for 6 years & 9 months, enough gas is produced create the energy of an atomic bomb!

4. The internet speed at NASA  is 91 GB per second.

5. Baby elephants dip whole head into the water to drink as they don't know how to use their trunks to drink until they are 9 months.

6. Excellent message for all-
                  Birth- Given by others
                  Name- Give by others
                  Education- Given by others
                  Income- Given by others
                  Respect-Given by others
                  First and last Bath- Has and Will be given by others.
  After Death- Your property and belonging- will be taken by others.
                        Funeral service- Will be done by others
  (Still I wonder why we have the unnecessary Ego & problems)
   Let us all simplify our life & love & live with others peacefully.

7. Half the world's starving; the others half is trying to lose weight.

8. There is a "Reverse Zoo" that puts visitors inside cages and allows the animals to roam free.

9. Stop thinking too much. It's alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect or need it.

10. My little brother just asked, "Why are people so nice to the people who are about to die?" And I told him that we want to make their last few moments on earth happy, and he told me, "Everyone dies a little everyday and sometimes we don't know when a person is gonna die, so why isn't everyone always nice, because we never know what's gonna happen to someone. WOW

11. It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.

12. Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until a moment until it becomes a memory.

13. If money didn't exist, would we still be chasing the same dream?

14. Speak the truth, even if you voice shakes.

15. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.

16. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

17. People change for two main reason: Either their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken.

18. Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.

19. Judging a person does not define who they are. it defines who YOU  are.

20. Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter what you look like.

21. Sometimes life doesn't give you something you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more.

22. There's no way I was born to just pay bills and die- Unknown.

23. Don't die wondering. But Enjoying.

24. People with a mental illness aren't crazy. People with depression aren't lazy. People with anxiety aren't rude. People with suicidal thoughts aren't attention seekers.

25. Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress no matter how slow.


February 17, 2017

* FACTS 85

Hi Friends!

1. Putting sugar on a wound or cut will greatly reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

2. The gender neutral term for a niece or nephew is a nibling, just like the gender neutral term for a brother or sister is a sibling.

3. In the event of a nuclear blast, you should not use conditioner because it will bind radioactive material to your hair.

4. That blast of air you often feel when walking into a store is to prevent insects from flying in.

5. Your height is generally determined by your father. Intelligence emotional strength and body shape is determined by the mother.

6. Ringing in your ears is caused by your brain attempting to repair itself and failing.

7. The smell of an orange relieves stress. Smelling one can reduce stress by over 70%.

8. Chimpanzees fart so loudly and frequently that scientists locate them in forest occasionally by following the farts.

9. During the Viking Age, the volva were honored and sought as wise women, healers and priestesses. They could travel alone without fear and be welcomed by any hearth fire.

10. Swans only have one partner for their whole life. If their partner dies they could pass away from broken heart.

11. Sleep is often used to temporarily help distract the mind from a stressful life. Sleep enhances emotional strength.

12. Cheries can cause cancer cells to commit suicide.

13. When you blush feel awkward and or embarrassed, the inside of your stomach turns bright red.

14. Adding "but you are free to refuse" after a verbal request can double your chances of getting what you want.

15. Because most of us spend the majority of our time indoors, NASA  conducted a clean air study to determine which common houseplants are the best for filtering harmful toxins like ammonia and formaldehyde from the air. The results listed Barberton diasies, devil's ivy, peace lilies, and bamboo palms as the best choices to get the job done.

16. Dogs are able to see their own farts.

17. Australia once lost a Prime minister and he's never been found.

18. The earth is smoother than a billiard ball, if both were of the same size.

19. France was still executing people with a guillotine when the first Star Wars film came out.

20. In Australia you will receive a $200 fine if you touch an electrified wire that causes instant death.

21. If you could fold a piece of paper 42 times it would reach the moon.

22. When the first child is born on mars, we will have to add planet of birth to our passports.

23. Eventually the human race will develop to a point when we shoot sci-fi films in actual outer space.

24. The farthest away you can be from a McDonald's in U.S is 107 miles.

25. If you convince yourself that you slept well last night, even if you didn't, your brain will be tricked into thinking you aren't tired. It's called "Placebo sleep."


* FACTS 84

Hi Friends!

1. There are no double-headed eagles found in nature, but three Balkan countries do depict two-headed eagles on their flags.

2. If a line is drawn with chalk around ants they will never cross it.

3. You can't hum while holding your nose closed.

4. Pushing the tongue against the roof of your mouth will cure you of brain freeze.

5. Love can exert the same stress on your body as deep fear.(Pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.)

6. Seeing a horror movie on a date can cause both partners to be more interested in each other. Heart racing replicates attraction.

7. There's a song that's been proven to reduce anxiety by 65%. It's called Weightless by Macaroni Union, and it was specially designed to slow your heart rate, reduced blood pressure, and lower cholesterol levels. It's so effective that it's dangerous to drive while listening to it because it can make you drowsy.

8. There is a little pouch on an otter's body where they keep their favorite rock.

9. Dolphins, Whales and apes are the only humans, known to commit suicide.

10. On Average it takes 66 days to form a habit.

11. Closing your eyes helps you remember things.

12. Your brain and your stomach are in constant contact with each other which is why some emotions affect our stomachs physically, especially distress.

13. We are born afraid of only two things falling and loud noises. All our other fears are learned an influenced by our environments and cultures.

14. Penguins have an organ above their eye that turns saltwater into freshwater.

15. In 2011, a British man got so annoyed by telemarketers calling his home phone that he registered it as a premium-rate number. Since then he's earned over 300 Euros from telemarketers calling him.

16. An ostrich kick can kill a lion.

17. Bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers were invented by women.

18. Often quoted idiom "Seeing is believing" leaves out half of the original sentence. The full quote from 17th century English clergyman, Thomas Fuller, is "Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth."

19. Antarctica is the only continent with no spiders.

20. Lake Michigan can become so clear after the winter ice melts that you're able to see shipwrecks 300 feet below the water.

21. The human brain cannot create faces. Therefore when you dream, if you see someone you do not know, you have see their face before- even if it was for a split second at eh store.

22. You can remember the value of Pi(3.1415926) by counting each word's letter in "May I have a larger container of coffee?"

23. If you put your earphones into your nostrils and open your mouth it forms instant speakers.

24. When you receive a major electric shock, it's not the electricity that throws you across the room, it's the force of your muscles contracting. Basically, you're strong enough to instantly throw yourself across a room.

25. London has so many trees that it can be classified as a forest.


February 08, 2017

* FACTS 83

Hi Friends!

1. When asked if he knew the speed of sound, Einstein said he "didn't carry such information in my mind since it's readily available in books.

2. The last time a Republican was elected president without a Nixon or Bush on the ticket was 1928.

3. The original Space Jam website still exists.

4. In 1979, Japan offered new British PM Margaret Thatcher 20 "Karate ladies" for protection at an economic summit. She declined.

5. Before Google launched Gmail, "G-Mail" was the name of a free email service offered by Garfield's website.

6. Nikola Tesla on Thomas Edison: "He had no hobby, cared for no amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene."

7. The final speech by Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mockingbird was done in one take.

8. Just before the Nazis invaded Paris, H.A. and Margret Rey fled on bicycles. They were carrying the manuscript for Curious George.

9. When the Westboro Baptist Church protested a soldier's funeral in Oklahoma, their tires were slashed. People in town refused to repair them.

10. An early ATM was deemed a failure because its only users were "Prostitutes and gamblers who didn't want to deal with tellers face to face."

11. Truman Show (Movie) Delusion is a mental condition marked by a patient's belief that he or she is the star of an imaginary reality show.

12. Cookie Monster is not changing his name. In a 2012 episode he said, "We've got to stop this Veggie Monster rumor before me reputation ruined."

13. According to Amazon, the most highlighted Kindle books are the Bible, The Steve jobs biography, and The Hunger Games.

14. Sea Otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift apart.

15. In 1986, Apple launched a clothing line.

16. Between 1900 and 1920, Tug of War was an Olympic event.

17. The word "Unfriend" appeared in print all the way back in 1659.

18. The code of Hummurabi decreed that bartenders who watered down beer would be executed.

19. The light emitted by 200,000 galaxies makes our universe a shade of beige. Scientists call the color "cosmic latte."

20. The American Psychiatric Association's DSM-V handbook classifies caffeine withdrawal as a mental disorder.


* FACTS 82

Hi Friends!

1. Calvin Klein's Obsession for Men is used by researchers to attract animals to cameras in the wilderness.

2. Sean Connery turned down the Gandalf role in Lord of the Rings. "I read the book. I read the script. I saw the movie. I still don't understand it.

3. E.B White of Charlotte's Web fame is the "White" of Strunk and White, who wrote The Elements of Style.

4. Chock Full o' Nuts coffee does not contain nuts. It's named for a chain of nuts stores that the founder converted into coffee shops.

5. 12+1 =11+2, and "Twelve plus one" is one anagram of "Eleven plus two."

6. At the height of Rin Tin Tin's fame, a chef prepared him a daily steak lunch. Classical musicians played to aid his digestion.

7. The Arkansas School for the Deaf's nickname is the Leopards. The Deaf Leopards.

8. If your dog's feet smell like corn chips, you're not alone. Term "Frito Feet" was coined to describe the scent.

9. Barry Manilow did not write his hit "I write the Songs".

10. He did, however, write State Farms's "Like a Good Neighbor" jingle.

11. And "I am stuck on Band-Aids, 'cause Band-Aid's stuck on me."

12. Winston Churchill's mother was born in Brooklyn.

13. Officials in Portland, Ore., drained 8 million gallons of water from a reservoir in 2011 because a buzzed 21 year old peed in it.

14. There's a basketball court above the Supreme Court. It's known as the Highest Court in the Land.

15. If you start counting at one and spell out the number as you go, you won't use the letter "A" until you reach 1,000. 

16. After Leonardo da Vinci's death, King Francis I of France hung the Mona Lisa in his bathroom.

17. Redondo Beach, CA adopted the Goodyear Blimp as the city's official bird in 1983.

18. In 2001, Beaver college changed its name to Arcadia in part because anti-porn filters blocked access to the school's website.

19. Peeps Lip Balm is something that exists.

20. Quentin Tarantino played an Elvis impersonator on The Golden Girls.

21. Sleeping through winter is hibernation, while sleeping through summer is estivation.

22. In Qaddafi's compound, Libyan rebels found a photo album filled with pictures of Condoleezza Rice.

23. In a 2008 survey, 58% of British teens thought Sherlock Holmes was a real guy, while 20% thought Winston Churchill was not.

24. Janis Joplin left $2,500 in her will for her friends to "have a ball after I'm gone."

25. The first webcam watched a coffee pot. It allowed researchers at Cambridge to monitor the coffee situation without leaving their desks.


* FACTS 81

Hi Friends!

1. In 2002, the most popular boat name in the U.S was Liberty.

2. One out of 20 people have an extra rib.

3. In 2006, an Australian man tried to sell New Zealand on eBay. The price rose to $3,000 before eBay shut it down.

4.  Google's founders were willing to sell to Excite for under $1 million in 1999- but Excite turned them down.

5. There was a third Apple founder. Ronald Wayne Sold his 10% stake for $800 in 1976.

6. Reed Hastings was inspired to start Netflix after racking up a $40 late fee on a VHS copy of Apollo 13.

7. In Japan, letting a Sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

8. The actor who was inside R2-D2 hated the guy who played C-3PO, calling him "The rudest man I've ever met."

9. When three-letter airport codes became standard, airports that had been using two letter simply added an X.

10. At one point in the 1990s, 50% of all CD's produced worldwide were for AOL.

11. Toy companies failed to duplicate the success of Theodore Roosevelt's teddy bear with William Taft's "Billy Possum."

12. Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his chocolate ration.

13. In response to The Lorax, the forest products industry published Truax to teach kids the important of logging.

14. Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima for work when the A-bomb hit, made it home to Nagasaki for the second, and lived to be 93.

15. The British man changed his name to Tim Pppppppppprice to make it harder for telemarketers to pronounce.

16. J.P Morgan once offered $100,000 to anyone who could figure out why his face was so red. No one solved the mystery.

17. Prairie dogs say hello with kisses.

18. A 2009 search for the Loch Ness Monster came up empty. Scientists did find over 100,000 golf balls.

19. After OutKast sang "Shake it like a Polaroid picture," Polaroid released a statement that said, "Shaking or waving can actually damage the image."

20. New Mexico State's first graduating class in 1893 had only one student- and he was shot and killed before graduation.

21. In the mid-1980s, Fergie of the The Black Eyed Peas was the voice of Charlie Brown's sister Sally.

22. Jonas Salk declined to patent his polio vaccine. "There is no patent," he said. "could you patent the sun?"

23. The 50-star American flag was designed by an Ohio high school student for a class project. His teacher originally gave him a 'B'.

24. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the most commonly stolen vehicle in 2012 was the 1994 Honda Accord.

25. Crabs have their own version of the first pump. Male crabs wave their claws in the air to attract females.


February 07, 2017

* FACTS 80

Hi Friends!

1. The bushes and clouds in Super Mario Bros are the same, just colored differently.

2. In 1903, the Wright Brothers flew for 59 seconds. 38 years later the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. 28 years after that, we landed on the moon.

3. When a male bee climaxes, their testicles explodes then they die.

4. Cleopatra lived closer in time to the first Moon landing than to the building of the Great Pyramid.

5. Duck Hunt is two player. A controller in port 2 controls the ducks.

6. There are more fake flamingos in the world than real flamingos.

7. The adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in his or her body.

8. Blue whales heart is the size of a VW Beetle and that you could swim through some it arteries.

9. Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.

10. All of the gold mined in the history of the world would more or less fit into a 20*20*20 meter cube.

11. There are more atoms in a glass of water, than glasses of water in all the oceans of the Earth.

12.  Half of all humans who have ever lived, died from malaria.

13. Alcohol is considered a performance enhance drug in competitive shooting competitions.

14. If you shuffle a deck of cards, chances are that the new order of playing cards has never existed before.

15. Of all the people in history that have reached 65 years of age, half of them are living right now.

16. Fold over a piece of paper 42 times and it will reach the moon.

17. Pirates were eye patches so that they can see in the dark.

18. It took thousands of years after domesticating the horse to invent the stirrup.

19. 54 million people alive right now will be dead within 12 months.

20. You replace every particle in your body every seven years. You are literally not the same person you were 7 years ago.

21. When your mother was born, she was already carrying the egg that would become you.

22. A tree is the opposite of your lungs. Physically and functionally.

23. mayonnaise is made from oil and eggs.

24. The sun is 400x further from the Earth than the moon, but the moon is 400x smaller than the sun.

25. All the humans on the planet could fit into 1 cubic mile.


February 05, 2017

* FACTS 79

Hi Friends!

1. Most Japanese schools don't have custodians. Instead, the students are expected to keep their buildings clean. The idea is that, by taking responsibility for themselves, kids will better learn how to become productive members of society.

2. Teens who spend most of their time listening to music are more likely to get depressed.

3. We can only dream of faces we've seen in the past, whether we actively remember them or not. The brain cannot invent these.

4. Platypuses are poisonous.

5. A raisin dropped in a glass of champagne will continuously bounce up and down from the bottom of the glass to the top.

6. Love can exert the same stress on your body as deep fear. (Pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.)

7. James Huberty called a mental health clinic, asking for an appointment. His politeness conveyed no urgency to the operator and his call was logged as a "Non-crisis" inquiry, to be handled within 2 days. The next day he committed of the worst killing sprees in America.

8. Sharks can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.

9. The US has more empty houses than homeless people.

10. Most babies are born with blue eyes. Exposure to ultraviolet light (The Sun) and melanin are what eventually bring out their true color.

11. Jesse James once gave a widow housed him enough money to pay off her debt collector and then robbed the debt collector as the man left the window's home.

12. About 2/3 of the people on the Earth have never seen snow.

13. Forbes estimated that Scrooge McDuck was worth aruond $44 billion.

14. Cheerleading accounts for 65% of women's sports injuries.

15. A man was falsely accused of murder and spent 5 months in Jail. His lawyer proved his innocence by showing a footage of an episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm", where he was caught having a hot dog in the background at the exact moment when the crime occured.

16. Every time a disaster strikes on Spongebob Squarepants, the same voice yells "My leg!"

17. 40% of people who are rejected in a romantic relationship slip into clinical depression.

18. Music not only changes our mood, but it also changes the way we think and or perception of the world.

19. Love actually has nothing to do with your heart--It's all chemical reactions that take place inside of your brain.

20. Russia didn't recognize beer as alcohol until 2011. It was just a 'soft drink' until then.

21. Italy didn't have tomatoes until 1548, which is why traditional Italian food doesn't use tomatoes.

22. Drinking too much water can cause water intoxication.

23. When playing an American character, Christian Bale will give all his interviews in an American accent, so he doesn't confuse the audience.

24. The mayor of Key west, FL declared war against the US, surrendered after one minute, then applied for one billion dollars in foreign aid.

25. Albert Einstein would charge people $1 for an autograph. He'd then donate this money to charity.
